Heat resistance special masterbatch | |
Release time£º2016/12/18 | |
Like dedicated masterbatch grade heat is usually used for finished plastic phase of adaptation, at normal temperature, you can be assured use. Only under the following environment will cause varying degrees of color, one temperature override the normal range, one down time.
Granulated masterbatch coloring and coloring What is the difference?
Masterbatch coloring and granulation coloring compared with the following advantages:
1. coloring and finished processing a complete halt colored plastics granulation heating process, to cover interest character of plastic products.
2. Make the most plastic products production process simplified.
3. Can the throttle a lot of power
Masterbatch coloring products do not fade it?
No absolutely not fade product, the use of masterbatch coloring products are also still probably fade, just for the product is nothing more than the difference between the grade level difference fills some more significant, while others are difficult to detect.
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